
In the Spotlight // Lush

Lush products have been a mainstay in my collection for years now, whether it be their body or skincare products! Their products are fun - and effective - and I love the ethos behind the brand. They're all about fighting animal cruelty, their packaging uses recycled plastics (and they have a great recycling packaging program where you can get a free face mask if you bring in your empty packaging) and they are handmade and use a lot of great ingredients. Among many other reasons, they're just a really great brand altogether and their employees are helpful and energetically bubbly (which can sometimes be overbearing, but hey, it's their job!). They have such a huge range of products and while I haven't tried all of them (not even close!), I do think I've tried enough to write up a brand spotlight post! I actually mention them quite a lot on my blog - mostly in empties posts - but haven't ever really devoted whole posts to them! Sidenote - this is my 400th post! Wowheee! 

Lush is perhaps most well known for their bath and body products. I have tried their bath bombs in the past and while they are pretty, make the water feel nice and make your bath smell nice, they don't really do much more. Plus I rarely take baths! I do like the bubble bars a bit more though since you get a bunch of bubbles! I've also tried their shower gels which are nice but nothing special!

Fun is essentially play-doh soap. It's super cute and I think it would really make a kid's bath time fun (hah!)! I can't say I've sat down and made shapes out of it since I use it in the shower, but it works well enough as soap! I do go through it really quickly though (I've used a tub of yellow Fun in the past) since you need a decent chunk to get enough lather to wash your whole body. The novelty is there but it's just glorified soap! Scent-wise, the pink Fun is quite sweet, floral and fruity. Snow Fairy* smells almost exactly like red frog lollies - very sweet and raspberry-ish!

The Comforter Shower Cream*
I chose this as my gift at a Lush x Bloggers United event because sooo many people love it and I wanted to give it a go, but couldn't justify buying it. It really is a lovely product to use but I could never justify spending a lot of money on a body soap that just gets washed down the drain! It's essentially a shower gel that has a creamier consistency. It lathers a bit more gently and just feels more nourishing on the skin. That being said, it doesn't really offer any lasting moisture to the skin. The Comforter has a fruity floral scent that does feel very relaxing and pampering. 

Christingle and Ro's Argan Body Conditioner*
Lush's body conditioners seem to have been the first of their kind on the market. After Ro's Argan got popular, Nivea released their In-shower body conditioner which...I wasn't such a fan of. I received Christingle as a secret santa gift though, and Ro's Argan was gifted to me at an event so I was excited to try them out. I definitely think they're more effective than Nivea's version as they leave my skin feeling sufficiently nourished and soft. They definitely, however, leave an oily residue on the skin that you can really feel in the shower since, y'know, oil and water don't mix. Once out of the shower and dry though it's not really noticeable and the skin just feels moisturised! I don't think it gives as much moisture as if you were to use a body lotion, but it leaves the skin comfortable enough. I also feel like you have to use a lot of product to adequately cover your body! I think Christingle was limited edition for Christmas (not sure though), but it has a very fresh, minty scent. Ro's Argan smells like Rose Jam which I love, very rosy and calming and just...nice.

Dream Cream*
Dream Cream is a hand and body lotion that moisturises quite well but not very intensely. It has a fairly thin consistency, absorbs quite well and fast but leaves a noticeable layer of moisture. I quite enjoy it but it's not the best moisturiser I've ever used. It doesn't feel greasy which is good since it's meant to be for the hands as well! It has soothing - but not too strong - camomile and lavender scent that makes it perfect for relaxing before bed.


Mint Julips Lip Scrub
Technically not mine - it's my sister's, but I have had the Popcorn lip scrub in the past. I'll be real with y'all, I don't think this is worth the money! It's essentially sugar and oil, and I find scrubbing my lips with a face cloth to be just as (if not more) effective in removing dead skin and much less messy. The flavour of the sugar (in this case a chocolate-y mint) is a nice experience, and the sugar is decent at scrubbing and the oils leave the lips fairly moisturised. Buuuut, it's just not necessary!

I just have a tiny sample right now but I've previously gone through like three tubs of the stuff! I absolutely love it - it's an extremely thick, balm-like cream cleanser that really cleanses and nourishes the skin at the same time. It's super important to remove it with a warm, wet face cloth because it can leave quite a heavy feeling oily residue on the skin. It's just such a great cleanser and definitely one I'll keep going back to!

Brazened Honey Fresh Face Mask
I've tried a few of the fresh face masks in the past including Cupcake (quite liked, a very good clarifying mask) and Cosmetic Warrior (a smelly one for sure! But I do think it helped calm skin and help with blemishes). Brazened Honey was...not my favourite though. According to the label - it says it's a moisturising and exfoliating mask which I though sounded about right since it's got honey and ground almonds. But - I find it to be very exfoliating and not moisturising at all! It almost stings in fact (must be the "revitalising" herbs and spices), and the almond bits are just way too rough and it's just much too harsh for my liking. I don't even think it was effective at doing anything!

Another face mask - thing about these fresh ones is that they have a very short shelf life and I can never manage to use every little bit up before they go off! And I even keep them for a nuuumber of weeks after the best before... :P I quite enjoy this one, it's supposed to be good at calming the skin and reducing redness. I do think it does that but the effects aren't long-lasting. Also, I'm not sure if it's because mine is a little bit old, but once it dries and whenever I barely move my face, powdery bits fall from my face! It's very annoying and makes such a mess. 

Tea Tree Water
I absolutely love this toner - this is my third bottle of the stuff! I think it's just a lovely, refreshing toner that's gentle but does help somewhat keep acne at bay. 

Million Dollar Moisturiser*
This moisturiser is quite thick and very intensely moisturising. For my combo/oily skin, it's a bit heavy under makeup, but on dry skin days where I'm not wearing makeup - it's amazing! It also has such a fine, pearlescent shimmer to it that gives such a beautiful glow to the skin!

Lush all round is an amazing brand. While many of their products aren't super necessary they're a joy to use and amazing for a pamper night! Their body products make amazing gifts, and a lot of their skincare I've tried is really effective! What are your favourite products from Lush?

*Products provided for consideration